workbrook HR Business Software is launching soon...

a platform for simple and effective
people solutions.

Asekun Kuforiji |
workbrook provides the opportunity to share your work needs with people from diverse backgrounds across the world. We simplify the process of sharing opportunities with your contacts on popular social networks - opening doors of opportunities for your next big move!
A world of limitless opportunities, refer your close contacts to job openings, apply, share and earn money while at it. The workbrook app enables you to share job opportunities by referring your contacts to available job openings. For every person you successfully refer, you also get rewarded in cash payment.  If you are a recruiter, the app is tailored to provide you with the best talent around you and connect you with individuals and firms seeking to hire a recruiter.


Take control of your health, start saving now! Don’t literally wait for the “dying minute” to take action. Finance your health.

Secure your future.


With Mygrant we help you settle in a new country,  by connecting you with support groups that can assist you with settling in.

Fast & comfortably!

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